Market Letter – Should I Put my House on the Market During the Holidays?

pen-notepad2Holiday season is upon us. People often wonder if they should put their home on the market during this time, or wait until the new year. Here’s my answer, I hope you find it useful.
— Stephanie

Should I Put my House on the Market During the Holidays?

As we all know, spring is a great time to put a house on the market. The weather is great, the flowers are blooming and the trees are bursting with life, but what about the winter months?

November through February can be just as rewarding for selling your home. Typically, any buyers looking this time of year are very motivated. They may be relocating and starting a new job at the beginning of the year. This is also a great time to take advantage of historically low interest rates.

Inventory has been low and gets even scarcer this time of year. If you are a buyer you will be looking at mostly overpriced stale listings, bank owned foreclosures needing lots of work, or location challenged listings.

If you decide to list your home this time of year, you have the opportunity to stand out and really shine against the less desirable inventory and could possibly realize a better price than waiting for spring when there’s more competition.

Just remember, selling a home any time of year can be inconvenient. Keeping your home presentable at all times, being ready to leave at a moment’s notice every time a buyer wants to view your home during the day, evening, and weekends is always challenging.

Take advantage of the season and dress up your home. Thanksgiving cornucopias and pumpkins, holiday trees, wreaths and lights can bring a warm homey feel that appeals to buyers. Just remember not to go over the top. You want your home feeling inviting, but not overwhelming. If you need to push all of your furniture to the side to accommodate your tree, you may decide not to have one or buy a small fresh one and enjoy the aroma of pine. And, if you do have your house on the market you will want to limit how much you entertain. You never know when your buyer will show up.

Regardless of when you decide to list your home, the rules are the same. A clean, clutter free home looking its best will entice buyers. So clean out your closets, remove excess furniture, clear the counter tops, spruce up the lawn, and sweep the walk way.

I say go ahead and put your house on the market! Decorate tastefully and bring a sense of “specialness” to your home. You will stand out far above the rest of the homes available and buyers will choose your home to start their New Year!

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